Bible 365 Devotional


Psalms 115:9-13 NKJ  
9 O Israel, trust in the Lord; 
He is their help and their shield. 
10 O house of Aaron, trust in the Lord; 
He is their help and their shield. 
11 You who fear the Lord, trust in the Lord; 
He is their help and their shield. 
12 The Lord has been mindful of us; 
He will bless us; 
He will bless the house of Israel; 
He will bless the house of Aaron. 
13 He will bless those who fear the Lord, 
Both small and great. 



This is a fascinating Psalm of David. He is trolling the futility of idols and those who trust them. In verses 3-8, David talks about how worthless and dead idols are. They are the creations of men, and men worship them. But idols are essentially dead. There is no life in idols. They have mouths, eyes, ears, and hands, but they can't see, hear, or handle. They have feet but can't move. David is trolling these idols and then trolls everyone who trusts them. He says these idols are lifeless, and everyone who trusts in them is lifeless. Obviously, David is referring to spiritual life, but the point is well made. Idols may be beautiful, but they are worthless and can do nothing for those who worship them. I wonder how many likes David received for that post.   


But then David shifts gears and talks about how Israel, God's people, are different. He encourages Israel to trust in the Lord, for the Lord is their help and their shield. Idols, made by man for man, can do nothing. But God, the everlasting great God, is a present help in time of need and protection from enemies. David encouraged Israel and the house of Aaron, who were the priests. But then David includes all those who fear God, all of those who refuse to believe in idols and have a reverence and respect for the living God. Over the years of Israel's existence, there have always been people with no Jewish heritage who believed in the One true God of Israel. This meant that God would help and protect those who feared and reverenced Him regardless of their nationality.   


Then David tells of how the Lord has been mindful of those who love Him. God remembers those who love Him. And not only does He remember, but He blesses. He blesses Israel, the house of Aaron, and those who fear the Lord. He blesses not only the great and powerful, but the small and seemingly insignificant. Again, the implication is that idols can do nothing for mankind. Idols are dead and powerless. But God is a help to His people. And God is protection for His people. And God remembers His people. And God blesses His people from the great to the small. Idols can't do that.   



In case you are thinking that we live in a different day where men no longer make idols and worship them, I must inform you that it's still the same today. There are still many foreign lands where people bow down to dead idols who are powerless to help. This is another reason we support world missions. There are still multitudes who have never heard of Jesus.   


And men still worship man's creation. People worship power, material goods, fame and glory, and even other people. So, the instruction to trust in the Lord is still applicable today. We, as God's people, don't put our trust in money, people, education, and man's wisdom. We appreciate the medical field, but they are not God. We appreciate the beauty of the earth, but we put our trust in our Father God, not buying into the concept of Mother Earth. The earth will not hear us, see us, speak to us, or help us. But our God is our help and protection. Our God is the One who remembers us even when people may forget, and our God is the One who blesses us. We trust Him!   



Thank You, Heavenly Father, the Creator of the heavens and the earth. You are the One I trust, not in what You have made or the things of this world. You are my help and protection. You see me and hear me and bless me.
