Alan's Devotionals



14 Do all things without complaining and disputing, 15 that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, 

But this is what we do.  As Americans, we grumble and whine, but then we get the job done.  I mean, ultimately, isn't that all that matters?' 

It appears while we may get an A for resolve and effort in God's eyes, we can do better.   

Paul was not merely suggesting what he thought would be a good idea but instead, he was calling the Philippians up to a higher way of living.  Do all things without complaining and arguing so that you would stand out in a generation that is not going in the right direction.   

Crooked and perverse is also translated warped and distorted.  This is stout.  When we handle life in a positive way so that others have nothing with which to blame us.  When we get the job done with a smile and a strength that speaks well of us as His children, it makes a difference.  You wouldn't think something this seemingly small matters, but it does in God's Kingdom.   



I was raised to think of witnessing for Christ as something you did.  That's an accurate description but don't stop there.  Witnessing is something we are, not just what we say to someone about Christ.  When we handle our business without complaining, fault finding, arguing, and whining, we are witnesses for Christ in a world darkened by spiritual blindness and deceit.  Those who don't know God may complain, but we, as His children, live differently.  And in living differently, we shine as lights in this dark world.  Jesus told us to let our light shine (Matt. 5:16 ), and this is one way to do just that.  You wouldn't think it matters, we're just complaining, but as representatives of God's Kingdom, that's not how we roll.   



Dear Father.  Forgive me for too much complaining and arguing.  I desire to shine as a light for You in this dark world. 
