Bible 365 Devotional


1 TIMOTHY 6:1-2

1 TIMOTHY 6:1-2 NKJ 
1 Let as many bondservants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and His doctrine may not be blasphemed. 2 And those who have believing masters, let them not despise them because they are brethren, but rather serve them because those who are benefited are believers and beloved. Teach and exhort these things. 


Paul's message to Timothy, as the pastor of the Ephesian church, instructs him as how to work with the members of the church who were slaves. 

Paul, who wrote by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, encourages the bondservants to count their masters worthy of all honor.   

He did not say that the masters deserved honor. He did not say the masters were good people. He did not say the masters were fellow believers. He later would give further instructions for believing masters. 

Why would Paul encourage those on the lowest rung of the societal ladder to show honor, even to some who were harsh? Why not tell them, hey, fake it till you make it. Hold out until you get free or get to heaven. 

One big message rings clear. Slaves in the world had no status. But a slave who was a child of God represented the King of Kings and was an ambassador for God's Kingdom. So, slaves could bring honor to God and the gospel message. Or a slave could reflect poorly on God and the teachings of His Kingdom. 

In God's scheme of things, there was no slave or free, only children of God, heirs to His Kingdom. 

Paul then continues to instruct slaves with believing masters. Instead of despising or thinking less of their fellow believers, the slaves were to serve them. In serving, they benefited those who were part of God's family and people God loved. Sounds like divine love in action. 

In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul had encouraged slaves that they were to serve as to the Lord and not to men. And that the Lord would reward them. (Ephesians 6:5-8) So when those slaves did the right thing and obeyed God's ways, everybody won. 


Our lives speak as much as our words. How we treat employers, employees and the people around us is important. 

I have had people ask me to pray for them to find a job in a Christian company. No problem, glad to do it. But until that better job opens up, serve God in your current company by being an employee who shows honor. That is one of the best ways to witness for the Lord without using words. 


Dear Heavenly Father, show me how I can honor You more by showing honor to the ones You have placed in my life.   
