Colossians 4:5-6 NKJV
5 Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. 6 Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.
Paul is now adding some last words to his letter to the church at Colosse. And these two short verses address how to interact with unbelievers.
Paul does not use the word unbelievers. Instead, he uses those who are outside. Outside is not a physical location but rather a spiritual one. They are outside the faith. When we stop and consider, those are kind words. Paul was not harsh toward those who had not received Christ. He said nothing unkind or demeaning. His instructions were for the believers. Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside. Again, we see nothing that would indicate Paul’s scorn for this group.
Paul does exhort the believers to use wisdom when working with unbelievers. And to redeem, or make the most, of the time. Too often I have seen sincere believers get involved with those outside the faith and make some serious mistakes. As a general rule, many church-going, Jesus-following believers are way too gullible, way too quick to believe everything they hear. And way too often taken advantage of. It seems as if unscrupulous people will use the good heart and pure intentions of the believer against them.
I had to come to an agreement with Joy that she would not invite anyone to stay with us after we were first married. And, to check with me before inviting any door-to-door salespeople into the house. Joy is long on mercy and quick to believe sad stories. And talk about people taking advantage of our time. So, we have learned to tag team it well. I play the bad guy much easier than Joy, although that’s not something to be proud of. But it is wisdom.
Paul encourages the church to have grace in their speech. Grace is God’s favor and goodness toward us. Goodness and favor we do not deserve and did not earn. We are to express this grace to others and mix in some salt. Salt would be the words of truth. So when someone outside the faith declares they know they are going to heaven because they have been good, salt speaks up. Not with the loud declaration this “good” individual is misguided, and hell bound. Rather, sharing that confidence in the next life is based on faith in Jesus in this life. Grace keeps our words palatable, and salt gives the truth that is required.
Interacting with those outside the faith is not an exact science. We need wisdom, grace, and salt in order to be effective. And don’t be discouraged if someone does not respond right away to your words of wisdom, grace, and salt. If you have handled the interaction this way, you have planted a quality seed. And quality seeds have the greatest potential to bear fruit.
Lord, teach me how to walk in wisdom, redeem the time, and speak with salted grace. I want to make the most of my time here on earth and be effective for You.