Alan's Devotionals

Why Are You Looking At Us?

Acts 3: 9- 12, 

And all the people saw him walking and praising God, 10 and recognized him as the one who sat at the Beautiful Gate of the temple, asking for alms. And they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him. 11 While he clung to Peter and John, all the people, utterly astounded, ran together to them in the portico called Solomon's. 12 And when Peter saw it he addressed the people: "Men of Israel, why do you wonder at this, or why do you stare at us, as though by our own power or piety we have made him walk?

A freshly equipped and empowered church is starting to make waves in Jerusalem. Peter and John are going up to the temple to pray and the Lord uses them to heal a man who's been unable to walk since his birth. When the people saw this formerly lame man holding on to Peter and John, they knew who he was, and they knew about his condition. And now they're watching him walking and praising God. This was the beggar who is now walking. They were filled with wonder and amazement. It's worth noting that people who witnessed this miracle were not filled with faith, just wonder and amazement. 

Seeing miracles catches our attention. Seeing miracles can fill us with a sense of awe, but it's hearing God's word that causes faith to come. After performing this miracle, Peter preaches to the crowd that's gathered. And after his preaching, chapter 4 tells us that many who heard the word believed, and the number was about 5,000. A miracle caught their attention, but God's word preached caught their hearts. 

I like what Peter said when the people were looking at him and John. "Why are you looking so intently at us? It was not our power or godliness that caused this man to walk." Peter goes on in the following verses to proclaim that it was Jesus and faith in His name that made this man strong. What is very important to see is that Peter was not taking the credit or the glory for the miracle that took place. So Peter attempts to divert the attention away from him and John and shifts on to the one who is the Healer. 

The disciples were acutely aware of the fact that without Jesus and the Holy Spirit, they could accomplish nothing. They pointed to the people to Jesus. They reminded these Jews what the prophets had said regarding Jesus and how He was the fulfillment of prophecy. The disciples believed that Jesus was coming back very soon, so they did everything they could to get people to Him. 


One of the greatest challenges we face today is exalting men instead of pointing men to Jesus. I must admit I get a bit weary of hearing preachers pump each other up as great speakers or great leaders. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate and honor those who have been faithful to manage the gifting that God's given them. But I agree with the Apostle Paul when he told the Corinthian church not to make a big deal out of people. He clearly stated he was only a minister or servant to whom they came to faith. Paul did not refer to any preacher as great. He called them faithful soldiers and servants. 

We do not help ourselves or our faith when we make a big deal out of people. It's God who gives the increase. It's God who's to receive all the glory and praise. We appreciate people, but we give honor and reverence to the Lord. 


Thank you, Lord, for the ministers you've equipped and put into my life. I appreciate their work and service of love, but you deserve all the honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. 
