Alan's Devotionals


Revelation 2:2-4 NKJV 

2 “I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; 3 and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary. 4 Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. 



In chapters two and three, Jesus has messages for the churches. The messages are different for each church, but Jesus does start with the exact same phrase. I know your works. I like how the New Living Translation phrases it, "I know all the things that you do." Nothing gets past Him. He knows. 

In our verses for today, Jesus is speaking to the church at Ephesus. He knows what they do, including all the good things this church is doing. And there was quite a bit that was good. This church was working hard for the cause of Christ. They were holding up well and not quitting. They were not tolerating evil people. I am working with the assumption that the evil people were those associated with the church, not the evil people in the community. There will always be evil people around us. We must love them without loving their evil ways. 

This church was good about not accepting everyone who came in claiming to be an apostle. These claims were examined, and the people making them were liars. Jesus was pleased that this church was discerning. 

And Jesus again referenced their endurance and work for His name's sake. This was a hard-working church that did not give up easily in the face of challenging circumstances. All of these churches existed in cultures where Christianity was not in the majority. Ephesus was the city where they had a major riot because so many of the people were becoming believers that it was affecting the local heathen temple economy (Acts 19). 

If you stop reading with verse three, this church looks good. Jesus lays out what He appreciates about this church, and yet there is a problem. This church is working hard but has left love behind. The NLT says, " don't love Me or each other as you did at the first." Somewhere in all the serving and working and weeding out the evil people, this church had lost its passion and heart for Jesus and for His people. Jesus encouraged the church to repent, acknowledge the error, turn around, and go back to the way they were at the first. 


As we read the book of Revelation, we can find situations that apply to our churches and our lives. We can learn from what Jesus sanctions as good things. And we can learn from what He considers to be problems. 

In the message to the church at Ephesus, we can emulate their hard work, perseverance, and refusal to allow evil people a foothold in the church. 

We can also learn from their errors. To renew our love for the Lord and His people is important. Love keeps us from becoming harsh and more concerned about rules than relationships. Love is still the best motivation for a people and a church to make a difference. When we do what we do out of a love for the Lord, His kingdom, and people, we are on the right track. 


Lord, I love You and all You have done for me. I would be in such darkness without You. Forgive me for becoming cold in my heart. I choose to renew my love for You and Your people. 
