Bible 365 Devotional


2 JOHN 3:3

2 JOHN 3:3 NKJV 
3 Grace, mercy, and peace will be with you from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. 


Any doctor will tell you that there are certain vitamins and nutrients that all of us need to be healthy. And there are some vital things we all need from God to be spiritually strong and healthy. 

Grace, mercy, and peace from God and from the Lord Jesus Christ. These are three things we need and, thankfully, are available to us as children of God.   

Grace. Do we ever need grace and more grace? Grace is God's favor and power on our behalf. Grace is one of the biggest themes of the New Testament. God's grace is what has saved us, and His grace is what will sustain us.  

And the scriptures say that God gives more grace. He gives grace to the humble (James 4:10). So, we don't stop looking for more of God's grace after we receive salvation. Salvation is the start of our grace journey with the Lord.   

Mercy. Only the guilty need mercy. Only those who have not done everything right. Only those who have fallen short or fallen flat need the mercy of God. Sound like anyone you know? Well, if not anyone else, I know this is me. I am still in need of God's mercy. And the good news is that He never runs out of mercy. Jeremiah said that God's mercies are new every morning. Isn't it good to know He is never low on mercy for us? 

Peace. In a troubled, fear-filled, dark world, God's peace becomes more and more important. Mankind is constantly searching for some semblance of peace. They will look to creating the perfect environment or filling their lives with temporary pleasures. But they keep coming up empty. Various philosophies, religions, and meditations offer peace, yet the heart hungers for more. Some simply look to artificial means to dull down the unease within, but there is no peace like God's peace.   


In a sense, the grace, mercy, and peace that we have because of our relationship with the Lord is the heart hunger of all mankind.   

Because we have access to these three things, we want to constantly position ourselves to receive more. More grace. More mercy and more peace. Three things we need.   


Show me, Lord, how to receive more of Your grace, mercy, and peace.
