Alan's Devotionals


2 JOHN 3

3 Grace, mercy, and peace will be with you from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. 

Congrats! You read an entire book of the Bible today if you read 2 John.   

When you read this verse, it would be easy to simply pass it off as a nice greeting, much as we would say blessings to you. But because we believe two important things, we see more than a greeting.   

We believe these words were written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. (2 Tim. 3:16)  And we believe that God does not have or use meaningless fluffy words. (Heb. 4:12) So because we believe those things, we look at this verse with a level of excitement.  Grace, mercy, and peace are things God wants us to have more of in our lives.   

Grace, one of the biggest words in the Bible.  God's unmerited favor and power manifested on our behalf.   

Mercy, compassion and active pity.  An interesting side note on mercy.  Lest anyone think mercy is reserved for the female gender, the Greek noun is e'leos, and it's a masculine noun.   

Peace, a state of peace, tranquility. And pretty much the opposite of what we see all around us today,   

This grace, mercy, and peace is coming to us from the Father and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. So this is the finest, high-quality grace, mercy, and peace in the universe. These three powerful life-changing forces will be with us in truth and love.   



This is one of those verses that we could skip over or receive. I want us to receive it into our lives.   

We can ask God for more of His grace, mercy, and peace in our lives. If He didn't want us to have more, John would have never written these words.   

So we ask Him for more and then thank Him that we are receiving more grace, more mercy, and more peace in our lives. And here's an important thing to ask. We ask for help removing anything in us that is hindering us from receiving more of these three wonderful things.  

So, grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and His Son Jesus our Lord.
