Alan's Devotionals



9 And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, 10 that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, 11 being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. 



This letter to the church at Philippi is considered by most bible scholars to be Paul's most positive letter. I concur. He does not address any significant problems in the church. This letter is a thank you for their help and some great instructions regarding the Christian life. 

In our verse for today, we find another one of Paul's prayers. Because these prayers are Holy Spirit inspired, we ought to pay close attention to what Paul is praying for. And we can take these prayers and pray them for those in our sphere of influence and for ourselves. 

Paul prayed that their love would abound still more and more. The word for love here is agape, which is referred to as the God kind of love. This love is doing what is best for others, goodwill towards our brothers and sisters in Christ. This divine kind of love is within our grasp but not often prompted by feelings.  

Paul also prays that this love, which Jesus commanded us to exercise, be accompanied by knowledge and discernment. So our love is not going in blind. Our heart is to bless, but we also are to discern the situation. Love does not buy into everything people are doing.  

This kind of love ensures that we will be pure and blameless until the day of Christ. And quoting the Amplified Bible, "actually living lives that lead others away from sin." 

And Paul prayed that we would be filled with the fruits of righteousness. Tangible evidence of our being made right with God because of Jesus. And this kind of life brings glory and praise to God.  


This is a short but powerful prayer. What a great way to pray for ourselves and others.   

Paul desired that people would live out the life that God bought for us through Jesus.  

This life will always involve the God kind of love because that is who God is. And we are His children.  

This is the kind of love and life that shines a light into a dark, fear-filled, selfish world. This I pray for you and for me.  


Dear Father, show me how my love can overflow more and more. That I may bring glory to You. 
