Alan's Devotionals



3 But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 


One of the things I look for in a book or a message is simplicity. Can I understand what is being said, or am I confused?   

The other day I was sent a book by an author who had a doctorate. As I began to read this Christian book, I found myself getting bogged down. There seemed to be so many steps to the true freedom this book promised that I gave up.   

Over the years of being a pastor, I have sat and met with people that were making their Christian life way too complicated.   

Now, I am not advocating that the gospel be dumbed down. But the message of Christ can speak to everyone right where they are.   

As we grow in Christ, we see more and more of the spiritual depth that is in the gospel. You can go back and listen to a message you heard ten years ago and get something new from it. That is because you have grown. 

Whenever I hear of people who want to go deep, I cringe. Typically, these are folks who have not been doing what they have already heard, so they think they need something deep to have a breakthrough. We don't need deep. We need to take what we have already learned and put it into practice. Basic simple things such as worshipping God, receiving His word, prayer, and thanksgiving. Walking in love toward our brothers and sisters in Christ, living by faith, not sight.   

All of these things are simple basic truths in Christ. We don't need special revelation or a new list that promises amazing breakthroughs.   

And while I am on a semi-rant. Beware of those with deep revelation that very few know about.   

The gospel of Jesus Christ is simple. He was born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life. He gave His life for us to die on a cross. On the third day, God raised Him from the dead. Now salvation is through our belief in Him. He has made us new spiritual creations and given us His Holy Spirit to be our teacher and guide.   

We will spend the rest of eternity discovering the riches of what we have and who we are in Christ. But it's not complicated.   

When Jesus was on the earth, He spoke so that the regular people could understand. And He has not changed. He still helps us today in ways we can grasp. There is simplicity in Christ.   


Thank You, Lord. I don't have to be a genius to walk with You. 
