Alan's Devotionals


Hebrews 4:2 NKJV  
2 For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it. 



I make zero claims to be anything resembling a cook. I can microwave eggs and make sandwiches but cooking falls outside my realm of expertise. I am not much of a handyman either, but that’s a different story. However, Joy is a good cook. And when it comes to Italian food, she crushes it. However, after about 38 years of marriage, she revealed to me that she doesn’t like cooking, and so had begun my years of semi-starvation. Only joking, but if Joy ever completely boycotted the kitchen, I am in for a world of trouble.   


Joy was making a dish once, and very unusual for her, it tasted awful. When she tasted it, she realized she had left an ingredient out. I think it was salt. Regardless, whatever she missed was important and it threw off the entire dish. Just one missing ingredient made a big difference.   


And this is exactly what happened to the children of Israel that Moses led out of Egypt. The gospel, which means good news, was preached to these people. Their good news was that God had prepared a land for them that was an abundant land. A land, proverbially flowing with milk and honey. And to a group of people who had been slaves for over 400 years, this was wonderful to hear. This would be their own land. And they would have houses, orchards, and vineyards. God was bringing them into a good place.   


The people were excited, but something happened. When the nation of Israel found out that there were still people living in the land and they would have to take it, they balked. Maybe they were thinking that the land would be abandoned, and they would not have to fight. But when they discovered that the land was inhabited by strong people, they wept and cried and wanted to go back into slavery in Egypt. They missed a key element of following God. Faith. Outside of Joshua and Caleb, the adult population did not believe that God had given them the land. They did not believe they could defeat the people of the land. They simply did not believe God. And so, His good news did not profit them. The people never mixed faith with what God had said and consequently never entered the promised land. They stayed in the desert for 40 years until that generation died. The land was promised, but the promise was never fulfilled until Joshua led their children in 40 years later.   


The author of Hebrews is reminding the people that God’s word and promises still have to be mixed with faith. If they stopped believing God’s promises they would not enter into all the good things God has prepared for those that accept His Son Jesus and all Jesus has done.   



We come into our promised land the same way. By believing the gospel, the good news about Jesus, we are able to enter into salvation and all the wonderful promises that are in Christ. We enter in by faith, and we continue to live by faith in every area of our lives. This is why Paul would say that we walk by faith and not by sight. Others may live dominated by what they see, but we live by faith in what God has said. Sure, there are still battles we’ll have to fight but we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. And God has given us His Holy Spirit to live in us and be our guide and helper. The odds are stacked in our favor. The good news is given to us. All we must do is mix faith with what God says.  



Lord, I believe You and Your word. I will profit in all areas of my life because I mix faith with what You have said that pertains to me. Thank You for the good news. I believe it!! 
