Alan's Devotionals



26 In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, 

And His children will have a place of refuge. 

27 The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, 

To turn one away from the snares of death. 


There are benefits to having a fear of God in our lives.  

When we say the fear of the Lord, what exactly is being referenced? Fear of the Lord is not the same thing as being afraid of a snake or a storm. That kind of fear has an element of torment. And God never has wanted His children tormented. 

The fear of the Lord that Proverbs is talking about is a positive quality. It must be positive because verse 26 says, the fear of the Lord results in strong confidence. Fear of the Lord is a referential respect for God. Not being afraid that God is going to hurt or abandon you. But such a respect for God that you do not want to dishonor or displease Him. 

Again, the fear of the Lord is not a sense of dread that God is going to do something to you. But it is a heart position of honor and respect. When our hearts are respectful of the Lord and conscious of Him, there is confidence. When we are away from the Lord or our fellowship with Him is not good, there is no confidence. 

When we have a fear of the Lord, it impacts our families. It produces an atmosphere that feels safe for our children. And it's not a stretch to say it's a place of safety for us. We are His children. 

The fear of the Lord is a position that turns us away from things that would cause us to sin or stumble. It's not a restrictive place but rather a life-giving place. 

And if those benefits are not enough, Jesus walked in the fear of the Lord. (Isaiah 11:2) And He is our highest standard and example. 


Walking in the fear of the Lord is up to us. It is not something that God will make us do. 

He (God) is so gracious. He never forces us to love and respect Him. But if we choose to do so, the fear of the Lord will produce some good things in our lives. 


Heavenly Father, please show me how to grow in my fear of You. You are worthy of my honor and respect. 
