Alan's Devotionals


1 CORINTHIANS 16:13-14

13 Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. 14 Let all that you do be done with love. 

I must admit that I like lists.  It may be a function of my personality or a quirk in my personality, but I really like lists.  Lists help me know where to go and what to do.   

This is a list from Paul to the Corinthians.  It's his last instructions to this church, part of his final words.  So, this list is on his heart.  

Watch! Be alert spiritually.  Something we, or I, may not talk about enough.  We are living in enemy territory; we need to be alert.   

Stand fast in faith.  Don't move off your faith.  So many distractions and disruptions exist today it's more important than ever to stay with what you believe and grow stronger in your faith.   

Be brave, be strong.  Whoever says that the Christian life is for people too weak to handle real life is wrong. Nothing could be further from the truth.  To live this life requires strength and courage.  It was that way in Paul's day, and it's that way today.  To not give in to the pressures of the world and the flesh.  To say no to what the majority says yes to.  To not yield to selfishness and fear and despair requires a level of strength and courage.  But we can do this.  God is with us.   

And then it's as if Paul pivots.  All these firm, strong instructions and then - do everything with love.  Although it may sound like a contradiction, it's not.  As we shared a few days ago, love is not a weak spinless knee-knocking emotion.  Love is actually a decision, and a strong decision at that.  To think of others and do what helps and builds up those around us is not the easiest path.  Nor is it veering off the course of staying spiritually alert, sticking to our faith, walking in strength, and courage.   



As I look at this checklist, I ask myself, what boxes can I check off?   What areas am I getting stronger in?   What areas need some attention?  To move past where we are, we have to be honest about where we are.  This list would be a good one to take to the Lord and a good one to remind ourselves of on a regular basis.  It's a great list with boxes worth checking.   



Lord, thank you for a short, sweet reminder checklist of things that carry spiritual significance.  I purpose to get stronger in every area. 
