Bible 365 Devotional


Proverbs 4:7-9 NKJV 

7 Wisdom is the principal thing; 

Therefore get wisdom. 

And in all your getting, get understanding. 

8 Exalt her, and she will promote you; 

She will bring you honor, when you embrace her. 

9 She will place on your head an ornament of grace; 

A crown of glory she will deliver to you." 


Some people have a bucket list of things they would like to do or places they would like to go in their lifetime. Some people have what are called "grail" lists. Grail items can be a car, watch or vacation home. It's a material item that is on their wish list, their "holy grail." Proverbs reveals something that should make everyone's list. Wisdom.  

Wisdom is the principal thing. The words 'principal thing' comes from a Hebrew word meaning the first, the chief, the best. The writer of Proverbs is exhorting us to put wisdom first on our to-get list. Wisdom is the best thing you can get, so get wisdom. At face value, it's easy to think sure get wisdom. Everybody needs wisdom. That's a relatively easy decision. Or maybe not.  

The author, Solomon, talks about what wisdom can bring into our lives. He is making a strong pitch for obtaining wisdom. And if anyone is qualified to speak about the benefits of wisdom it was Solomon. It was Solomon who had a dream where the Lord asked him what he wanted. Instead of asking for money, power or for his enemies to be wiped out, Solomon asked for wisdom to lead God's people. God was pleased with Solomon's request and gave him extraordinary wisdom, as well as the money, power, and relief from his enemies that he did not ask. So when Solomon says wisdom is the principal thing, he speaks from a wealth of experience.  

Exalt wisdom and embrace wisdom, and it will produce the promotion and the honor that so many are looking for. Seeking for wisdom is another one of God's counterintuitive ways. While everyone else is seeking the promotion and honor, if God's people seek His wisdom, it produces the promotion and honor.  

I am not exactly sure what an ornament of grace or a crown of glory consists of. But I do know that God's grace is able to help in any situation that we find ourselves. And when He crowns us with glory, that has to be better than anything man's glory has to offer. Our concern is not so much the ornaments and crowns but the wisdom that brings good into our lives.  


Because wisdom is the principal thing, we should incorporate this into our prayers. Asking God for His wisdom in all areas of our lives can prove to be a better long-range strategy than simply asking for help when we are in trouble. Let's begin asking the Lord for His wisdom in our relationships, in what we do for Him, in our finances, our health, and our future. Opening our hearts to God's wisdom in His word and by His Holy Spirit is a path that will only lead to good things.  


Dear Father, I do need Your wisdom in every area of my life. Show me what I am missing and help me walk in Your ways. Your ways are wisdom. 
