Bible 365 Devotional



Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 

Here is another big word in the scriptures, justified.  The best, albeit a tad corny, the definition of justified is... just as if I'd never done it.  Just as if I had never sinned. 

But we know that we have sinned, so what gives?  The rest of this verse spells it out.  We have been justified by faith, by believing in what had been done for us through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Our works or efforts to be good have nothing to do with our being justified.  If our works would have done it, then Jesus would not have needed to die.  No, our being made right in God's sight is by faith.   

But now that we have been justified, the result of that great work is that we have peace with God.  This peace does not mean a ceasefire but rather a sense of tranquility from being reconciled to Him through Jesus.   

The word peace also is used to describe a sense of divine favor, health, welfare, prosperity, every kind of good.  These are big concepts but so important for us to grasp.  We're no longer at odds with God, separated from Him.  We are united with Him through Jesus, our Lord. 



When Paul wrote to the churches, his first chapters were typically a doctrinal position of who we are in relationship to God through Jesus.  The latter part of his letters dealt with application.  How do we now live, seeing we have peace with God?  How do we approach our Heavenly Father and life here on earth knowing we are justified, declared blameless before God? 

This is where revelation leads to application.   The more we see, the more it changes us.  So, a place to start would be to thank God that you have been justified by faith and are now united with Him in His favor and blessing.  Start there.   And as this truth continues to dawn on your heart, you will have a greater sense of His presence, His peace.   



Thank You, Father, for the justification and favor and blessing I have with You because of Jesus.
