2 Corinthians 10:3-5 NKJV
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
Growing up in the church I attended as a child, I don’t recall ever hearing about Christian warfare. I heard some great things about salvation, so much so that when I said a prayer while walking across a field in Carbondale, Illinois, I knew I was saved. And I so greatly appreciate the words I heard growing up. But because I did not know about these verses, I did not realize the private wars I would encounter as a believer. My ignorance in this area hurt my walk with the Lord.
Paul is referring to the war that takes place in our mind and thoughts. Some of these thoughts have become a patterned way of thinking for so long that they have become a stronghold. For example, some carry such a low sense of self-esteem that even though they have become new creations in Christ, they still see themselves as what they were before Christ. Some habits have become strongholds, and even though everything within us recoils at what we are doing, we keep doing it. Often, it is these strongholds that frustrate us, and we throw up our hands and live condemned because we just can’t beat them.
But Paul says we have weapons that we can use to pull down these strongholds. We can pull down arguments and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Arguments in the original Greek language means calculations, considerations and reflections. The Complete Word Study Bible says that Greek writers used this word of the consideration and reflection preceding and determining conduct. These predetermined ways of thinking can be arrested and pulldown with the help of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit’s insight. Paul said we are to bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. So, with a bit of digging, we can determine that our warfare is internal.
I grew up in a home that was highly critical. Most likely due to insecurity, our family conversations were often very critical of others. It’s a mark of insecurity to put down others as a way of making ourselves feel better about who we are. So I became highly developed in my ability to criticize and put others down. It was a patterned way of thinking for me. One day, Joy just let loose on me. I had made a critical remark regarding a random person I saw at a shopping mall and Joy let me have it. And she was correct; I was in the wrong. So I purposed to pull down this stronghold in my thinking and behavior. I went to Ephesians 4:29 and memorized and confessed that verse: “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” I asked the Lord to help me catch those critical thoughts and take them captive, not allowing them to run free in my mind. It was not an instant process, but I went from highly critical to rarely critical. Not perfect but improved.
This same warfare principle applies to habits, sins, toxic destructive thoughts, and anything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God’s will for our lives. God’s Word is a mighty weapon, especially when it gets into our hearts and mouths. The Holy Spirit understands us and knows how to help us. And as we spend time with the Lord in His Word and prayer, we see even more clearly what God’s truth is and how that contrasts with our way of thinking. Always keep in mind this is a war we can win.
Lord, show me the areas in my life where the enemy has set up strongholds. And thank You for showing me what I need to do in order to pull them down.