Alan's Devotionals


Jude 24-25 NKJV 

24 Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, 

And to present you faultless 

Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, 

25 To God our Savior, 

Who alone is wise, 

Be glory and majesty, 

Dominion and power, 

Both now and forever. 




The Book of Jude is a short book, only one chapter. But it is rather intense. Jude is warning against the false teachers that have infiltrated the church. The believers are encouraged to fight, to contend for the faith. These false teachers are promoting a grace that allows people to pretty much do as they please. Because of this erroneous teaching, the age-old problem of sexual impurity has become a problem. And so Jude reminds the believers that God does not treat this evil lightly. 

Jude warns believers to look for those who grumble, complain, brag about themselves, and flatter people to gain an advantage. This is a good reminder of actions that should send up red flags. Flattery may sound good for a moment, but it has a bad aftertaste. Flattery is for the advantage of the one doling it out. It's not for you. 

Jude ends his letter on a good note as he magnifies God. He begins his letter honoring God and ends by giving glory to Him who is able. Most Christians believe that God is able to do anything, but Jude calls for a more specific enablement. God is able to keep you from stumbling. That word stumbling could also be rendered falling or blameless. God is able to keep us from falling away from Him. From falling into sin; from falling in our walk. And to present us to Himself faultless before Him with exceeding joy. 

This is one of those declarations that we will have to receive by faith. It would be wise for us to not dismiss these words as a nice way to end a letter. God is able to help us live before Him without falling and blameless in His sight. 

Jude continues to give glory and honor to God. He is our Savior. He alone is wise, and to Him belongs all the glory, majesty, dominion, and power, both now and forever more. Amen, and amen. What a great way to end a letter. I get blessed just writing and saying those words—glory and majesty, dominion and power. We had better get accustomed to saying that because we'll be saying that throughout eternity. 


I am thinking the best way to apply these verses to our lives is with our praise and thanksgiving. As we praise our great God, we honor Him, and we magnify Him in our life. Thanking God for keeping us from stumbling is something we can do regardless of whether we understand exactly how that will take place. If His inspired word says He is able to keep us and present us faultless, then I want to agree with those words, not reason them away. 


Heavenly Father, I want to thank You that You are able to keep me from stumbling. And You are able to present me faultless before You. Thank You for that! You are far wiser than I am, and I give You glory, majesty, dominion, and power now and forever, amen! 


