Bible 365 Devotional


ROMANS 16:17-18 NKJV 

17 Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. 18 For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple. 


Paul has spent most of this chapter listing and greeting different people. This list consists of those people who. have been a blessing to the church at Rome and the Kingdom of God.  

But in our verses for today, Paul calls another group out, although he does not list them by name. Instead, he calls out their actions which are damaging to the Body of Christ.  

Take note of those who cause trouble. In this case, divisions and offenses that are contrary to what they had been taught. Paul instructs the church to avoid them. Not attack them or demean them or even argue with them; just stay away from them.  

Paul's wording in verse 18 is interesting. He states that these people who are causing trouble are not serving the Lord. Instead, they are serving their own belly, their own self-interests. These people are doing what is best for themselves, not for the Lord.  

And two characteristics are mentioned to watch out for. Smooth words and flattering speech. Unfortunately, smooth words and flattery can be used to deceive the hearts of the simple. The simple would be defined as anyone who listens to smooth words and flattery without applying discernment.  

The people Paul warned the church about were not forcing their way or openly causing divisions. They were smooth operators, not using their words to build others up but rather to serve their own interests. 


I wish I could say that what Paul addressed in his letter to the Romans was not applicable today. I wish I could say that, but I cannot.  

We still need to take note of people who cause divisions and highlight reasons to be offended. People who are serving the Lord with a genuine heart will look to bring solutions. Their words may not be smooth, but they speak the truth in love. And they don't use flattery.  

Flattery is never encouraged in the scriptures. Speaking words that edify and build up for the other person's benefit is our objective. Flattery throws out flowery words for the purposes of deception, not edification. Take note, be discerning, and avoid. 
