Alan's Devotionals



22 Bondservants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God. 23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. 

 I love how Paul, writing by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, brings spiritual truth into practical living.   

In writing to bondservants, he gives them a way to work and a motivation that is not mere hype; it's a game-changer.   

Do your work to please God, not man.  This is a heart thing, not an outward show.   

Whatever you do, do it with all your heart as to the Lord.  As if the Lord is the only one you are working for.   

This can be done because you know something.  You know that from the Lord, you will receive the reward because you are serving Him.   

I love this.  We are looking past people to the One who is truly good and fair.  We are working for One.  And we know that He will reward us for the work we do for Him.  That puts a much more positive perspective on whatever job we do.  It also gives a greater importance to even the most menial of positions.   



This is a great practical heart check.  Who am I working for?  How can I make the change to go to work for the Lord?  Now that I am working for a new boss, how can I put my heart into my job in a greater way?  This brings our Christianity out of the church and into the workplace.  This means all of us can serve God regardless of our position.  Stay at home parent, sales rep, teacher, CEO, we all can work for Him.  We can work knowing we have a reward coming.  Knowing we have a reward gives us joy which strengthens us and makes work easier.   

Don't quit your job; instead, go to work for a new boss.  



Heavenly Father, I belong to You, and I work for Your Son, Jesus.  Show me how to do a great job for Him. 
