Bible 365 Devotional


ROMANS 3:21-22

ROMANS 3:21-22 NKJ 
21 But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, 22 even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference; 


Romans is one of Paul's clearest teachings on the subject of righteousness.   

Righteousness, a very big New Testament theme, simply means right standing. Or right in Gods' sight.  

In the Old Testament, before Jesus, to be in right standing with God you would have to keep the Jewish law. The big problem with that setup was no one could successfully keep all the law. Until Jesus came.   

But we always must keep in mind that what Jesus did, He did for us. He acted on our behalf. And because He was our substitute, now His victory becomes our victory. Now the only condition is that we put our faith in Him.   

So, when Paul writes about a righteousness of God apart from the law, he is pointing to what Jesus did. No longer are we required to keep Jewish laws and regulations to be right with God. Our righteousness is solely based on what Jesus accomplished for us. Whenever you received Him as your Savior, you received His righteousness.   

This is why Paul calls this righteousness a righteousness of faith, not works. We did not earn our right standing; we simply believed in what Jesus has given us.   


This revelation of righteousness by faith is vital to our relationship with God.   

This righteousness by faith will make us free from that sense of being guilty and unworthy. Now we no longer call ourselves sinners. We were sinners, but now we are in right standing with God.   

Because we did not earn this right standing, we have no reason to brag or feel superior to others. But because we have received right standing with God, we have no reason to hang our heads or feel inferior to others either.  

Many quote verse 23, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We also need to be quick to quote verse 22 that God's righteousness through faith in Jesus, is to all and on all who believe. We have been made right.    


Thank you, Jesus, for the price You paid for me to have right standing with God. What a wonderful work has been done in me. 
