Bible 365 Devotional


PROVERBS 6:20-23

20 My son, keep your father's command, 
And do not forsake the law of your mother. 
21 Bind them continually upon your heart; 
Tie them around your neck. 
22 When you roam, they will lead you; 
When you sleep, they will keep you; 
And when you awake, they will speak with you. 
23 For the commandment is a lamp, 
And the law a light; 
Reproofs of instruction are the way of life, 


At first glance, these words would seem to pertain to only keeping the word of parents.  

However, we can look at this from another perspective. If a parent's word is to be treated with such reverence, how much more the inspired word of the Living God. 

So, as we look at these verses from the perspective of how we respond to God's word, we see a common theme. Keep God's word close to your life.   

Keep and do not forsake God's words and instructions. 

Bind them continually upon your heart. The best way to do this is by meditating in God's word. Much has come out, the last few years, about mindfulness and the practice of focused, intentional thinking. Mindfulness is intended to clear your mind. Biblical meditation is designed to fill your mind with God thoughts. We get God thoughts from God's words, the scriptures. As we intentionally think and focus on God's word, we bind, or imprint His word on our heart. This same intentionality is implied with tying God's word around our neck. 

There are benefits to keeping God's word in our minds and on our hearts. With God's word in us, we reap the benefit of His word guiding us, comforting and speaking to us. His word is light and life, and verse 23 is verification. 

God's word is a lamp and light to us. And His word instructs us in the way of life. The days we are living in are becoming darker and darker. But we do not have to be afraid. We have light and help to navigate our way through the darkness. 

If we will make the quality decision to make God's word a big part of our life and keep His word close, we will see the benefits of guidance, comfort, and direction. 


As I was writing this devotional, I was reminded of a passage from the book of Exodus. One of the plagues that came upon the Egyptians was an intense darkness. So dark they could literally feel it. But the children of Israel, God's people, had light in their dwellings. (Exodus 10:21-23

It may be dark all around us, but as we keep God and His word close, there will always be light in our lives.   


Thank You Lord for Your word guiding, comforting and speaking to me. Thank You that I can live in Your light regardless of the darkness around me. 
