Bible 365 Devotional


Mark 15:22-24 NKJV 
22 And they brought Him to the place Golgotha, which is translated, Place of a Skull. 23 Then they gave Him wine mingled with myrrh to drink, but He did not take it. 24 And when they crucified Him, they divided His garments, casting lots for them to determine what every man should take. 


It was common to give those about to be crucified wine mixed with myrrh. The drugged wine was used to dull the senses before someone went through the brutality of crucifixion. The drugged drink would take an edge off the pain. It would relieve some of the pressure. 

But Jesus refused the drugs. He refused the relief and did not in any way escape from taking the full brunt of the pain and pressure. He had the opportunity, but He passed. He took on the cross and the full extent of all it entailed. 

If anything, this makes my admiration for Jesus go up even higher. Remembering that He came as a man. Sinless and spotless, yes. But still able to feel what we feel. Most people do what they can to avoid pain or, at the very least, reduce its effect. I know when I go to the dentist, I ask for as much pain-deadening medication as humanly possible. I do not want to feel a thing. And yet Jesus did not take the easier path. 

Not only was Jesus willing to take the full physical pain of the cross, but we don't know the spiritual pain that He suffered. We can't underestimate His becoming judged with our judgment and taking our sins upon Himself. Without any hyperbole, Jesus is the strongest man who has ever lived. Taking into account the spiritual, emotional, and mental pain He was willing to suffer for us. 

Hebrews 12:2 says that for the joy set before Him, Jesus endured the cross. Because He knew what the cross would accomplish, He was able to endure the anguish. He was able to look beyond the shame and suffering to the end result. Because of His love for God and love for God's creation, mankind, Jesus was able to endure it all. This verse in Hebrews says for the joy set before Him. There was joy in knowing what the cross meant to mankind. The purpose that defined Jesus was big. And when purpose is big, it helps to override pain and pressure. 


We never lose our awe and admiration of Jesus. What He did for us will benefit us for eternity. And there is something more for us to see here. 

That verse in Hebrews that I referenced starts by saying that we look to Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith. So we not only stand in awe and appreciation, but we look to apply His example to our lives. What is the joy set before us? What is our big purpose that makes us face the pains and pressures of life with courage? 

We have many stories of parents who worked numerous jobs just to give their children a better chance in life. That bigger purpose enabled them to endure a grueling work schedule. 

There are stories of people who went to the mission field and gave up many of the creature comforts of America in order to reach people with the gospel. We are moved by these stories, but a better thing is to find our purpose from God that enables us to endure. 

As the new year approaches, I encourage you to take some time to ask God to clarify or reveal His purpose for you. His bigger purpose will involve His Kingdom and other people. But His bigger purpose will ultimately help you face life in a stronger way. Just like Jesus! 


Lord, please reveal to me Your purpose for my life. I want to have a joy set before me that enables me to run toward the pressures of life, not away. 
