Bible 365 Devotional



27 Cease listening to instruction, my son, 

And you will stray from the words of knowledge. 


This proverb contains some simple advice for staying on course in our walk with the Lord. 

Don't stop listening. 

Seems so simple, but it appears to be man's nature to stop doing what produced good results. We get to a place, and we stop learning, stop exercising, stop growing. 

So the key here is to adopt the mindset of someone who has not arrived. This is a person who recognizes their need to keep listening to God's word. 

This mindset could also be considered the mindset of someone who has genuine humility. When we stay humble, we stay teachable. When we stay humble, we recognize our need for God's help. 

And it is the humble that gets God's grace. In James 4:6, God says He resists the proud and gives His grace to the humble. And do we ever need God's grace. 

Now when you read your Bible, don't view it as doing your religious duty. View it as a safety measure to help keep you on course in your walk with the Lord.  


I love my role as a pastor. I wouldn't trade my job for any other. But one of the biggest challenges to being a pastor is seeing people get off course. 

It is a heartbreaker to watch people who were doing so well fall away so that they are not in church anywhere. They were fruitful, productive Christians who have become far away from the Lord.  

But there is a way back and a way forward. Repent and receive forgiveness and restoration. Then keep doing the little things that lead to a strong walk.  

Keep reading your Bible. Keep praying and spending time with the Lord. Keep serving Him in some capacity. Keep fellowshipping in a local church. Keep honoring Him with your giving. 

And keep listening to His instruction. It will keep you on track. 


Lord, thank You for Your instruction to me. I am listening, and I am staying with You. 
