Alan's Devotionals


MARK 13:31

MARK 13:31 NKJV 
31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. 


Jesus says some amazing things in this chapter 13. He is talking about the end of the age and His return.   

It looks as if some serious trouble is coming on the earth. I am not an expert in end-time events, but this appears to be after the rapture of the church.  

What I found to be an astounding statement is Jesus' declaration of what will be passing away. 

Jesus states that heaven and earth will pass away. Wait, what? The heavens as we know them and the earth we inhabit will be passing away. As in gone. Peter, who was the primary influence of Mark's gospel, also would give insight into the end of the current heavens and earth.   

Peter stated that the heavens will pass away with a great noise. And the earth will be burned up. (2 Peter 3:10)  

Jesus then said something that is so easy to gloss over. Heaven and earth will pass away, but His words will by no means pass away. In other words, Jesus' words are more stable than the heavens above us and the planet we call home.  

If you believe God created the heavens and the earth, then causing them to pass away is not so far-fetched.   

And if you believe there is a spiritual realm that is even more real and advanced than what we can contact with our five physical senses. Then believing Jesus' words will endure forever is easier to grasp. 


How can we apply this verse to our life? 

The best way I can make this personal to me is by esteeming God's words as much more true and powerful than just a religious book. 

Jesus said His words were spirit and life. His words give us insight into a spiritual realm that is far more eternal and superior to anything we can see or feel.  

And we can apply this verse by treating God's word as the highest authority in our lives, more stable and trustworthy than anything in this temporary world.  

It's a new thought. But it's a thought that can elevate our spiritual development and our walk with the Lord.   


Lord thank You for Your words that will endure forever. I trust You and Your forever words as solid and true! 
