Alan's Devotionals


PROVERBS 8:14, 17-19

PROVERBS 8:14, 17-19 NKJV 

14 Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom; 

I am understanding, I have strength. 


17 I love those who love me, 

And those who seek me diligently will find me. 

18 Riches and honor are with me, 

Enduring riches and righteousness. 

19 My fruit is better than gold, yes, than fine gold, 

And my revenue than choice silver. 



This is only a partial list of wisdom benefits. But it's enough to motivate us toward God's wisdom for our lives. 

I hope you take just a few minutes and read this entire chapter. It is a fascinating discourse on God's wisdom. Even how this chapter of Proverbs is presented is different. In this chapter, we are hearing the voice of wisdom personified. Wisdom is presented as a woman. And wisdom talks about her role in the very beginning before there was an earth. So, wisdom is an old, old woman. 

Only kidding. Wisdom is presented as someone to be loved and pursued. Wisdom states she is better than rubies, and all we can desire cannot be compared to her. There is great value in God's wisdom. 

Counsel and sound wisdom are highly valuable assets in our lives. God has counsel and sound wisdom for any and every area of our existence. And God's wisdom produces strength. Knowing what to do and how to do it is a strong position for us to take, 

And wisdom, God's wisdom, will not just fall on us. There must be a pursuit of God's wisdom. Those who seek for God's wisdom diligently will find it. Now that is a wonderful promise. 

Wisdom has value. Wisdom must be pursued. And wisdom produces good things in our life: riches and honor. We could stop right there and point to these two things as the main pursuits for most people. People go after material riches and to be well thought of. And yet how many have spent their lives never satisfied with their amount of riches and honor? 

But God's wisdom will produce even more than material riches. Oh, being blessed materially is certainly in play, but God's wisdom will produce riches money can't buy. Who can put a price on peace in your heart and home? What is strength in your mind, emotions, and body worth? 

The additional good news in all of this is the fact that God will not withhold His wisdom from us. If we will seek His wisdom, we will find it. 

We seek God's wisdom by our time spent with Him in fellowship with His word and prayer. So, view your time with Him as highly valuable and productive. You are not wasting time; you are investing in God's wisdom. 


Thank You, Father. You have all the wisdom I will ever need for every area of my life.   
