Bible 365 Devotional


PSALM 62:5-7

PSALM 62:5-7 NKJ 
5 My soul, wait silently for God alone, 
For my expectation is from Him. 
6 He only is my rock and my salvation; 
He is my defense; 
I shall not be moved. 
7 In God is my salvation and my glory; 
The rock of my strength, 
And my refuge, is in God. 

This is one of David's psalms.  David had great insight into God and the things of God.  One of the things David understood was this principle of declaring who and what God was to him. 

As we dig into this psalm, we see some of David's declarations.   

He was able to calm his soul, his inner thoughts, and emotions.  The reason for this control was that he waited for God alone.  His expectation was resting in God.   

He declared that God only was his rock, his source of strength, and his salvation.  And because God was defending him, he was stable, strong, not shaken.   

In God, David found his salvation, his honor, the strong source of his strength and his refuge, his safe place.   

That's quite a list of who and what God was to him.  But David was expressing his heart and his understanding of God.  And if anyone in the Old Testament experienced God's help and strength and protection, it was David.   



How do we learn from David's experience?   Can we say the things about God that he said without having David’s experience with God?   

The answer here is simple yet powerful.  We can express our confidence in God and our expectation in God just as David did.  We can talk of God being our rock, refuge, and defense, just like David.  We can praise the God of our salvation in an even greater way than David.  How?  By Faith.  We simply choose to believe that David's God is our God.  And God has no favorites.  In fact, we have an advantage David did not have.  We are God's children because of Jesus.  David was a servant of God, not a son.   

So in our private times, we declare that God is our refuge, strength, rock, and salvation.  He is our leader, Lord, and yes, our very own Father.  As we declare based on His word what and who He is to us, we magnify Him (Ps 34:3) and expand His role in our life.  When it becomes personal, it becomes powerful.   



Thank You, Lord.  You are big in my life, and You are _______________ (now you fill in the blanks) to me! 
