Bible 365 Devotional


PROVERBS 8:32-35

32 “Now therefore, listen to me, my children, 
For blessed are those who keep my ways. 
33 Hear instruction and be wise, 
And do not disdain it. 
34 Blessed is the man who listens to me, 
Watching daily at my gates, 
Waiting at the posts of my doors. 
35 For whoever finds me finds life, 
And obtains favor from the Lord; 

 This proverb is all about wisdom.  God's wisdom. What makes this even more intriguing is that wisdom is personified as a woman.  The proverb refers to wisdom as she and her.  And all the women say Yes!  Absolutely! 

Wisdom is talking to us and telling us all of her attributes and benefits.  Wisdom says she is better than money (vs 19) because wisdom produces more than what money or gold can produce.   

Wisdom is then kind enough to tell us how to be blessed.   

Listen.  Keep her ways.  Do not refuse or think lightly of wisdom.  Listen and seek for wisdom daily.   

This daily part is important.  Wisdom is too valuable to be ignored or treated casually.   

Nope, wisdom is to be pursued daily.  Because wisdom, when found, produces life and favor from the Lord.  Wisdom is high value and high maintenance; we have to pay attention to her daily.  And when we do, we are blessed. 



God's wisdom is available to us, but it's up to us to go after it.  The idea of daily listening and daily watching indicates we believe God's wisdom is an important pursuit,   

As I am writing this, the delayed 2020 Olympics are taking place.  The world-class athletes who are participating have a common trait.  They train intentionally and daily. They give their best in order to win a medal. And we applaud their diligence and sacrifice,   

We have an opportunity to pursue God's wisdom that will help our lives and make a difference to those in our world.  So, one of the best things we can do is be intentional and diligent about growing in our relationship and knowledge of God.  The world may not applaud you or even know your name.  But wisdom will know you, and you will be blessed.   



Dear Father, thank You that Your wisdom is available to me in Your word and by Your Holy Spirit.  You have shown me a sure way to be blessed.
