Bible 365 Devotional


2 Timothy 4:17-18 NKJV 
17 But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that the message might be preached fully through me, and that all the Gentiles might hear. Also I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. 18 And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen! 

Yesterday's devotional was 'But You' and spoke to what Timothy was to do in the face of deteriorating times. So today, we are continuing with the theme of what to do when challenges occur. This time, Paul is referring to difficult times that he personally experienced, but the Lord got involved. 

Paul had been through some extremely trying times. A man named Alexander had done him a great deal of harm. To the point where Paul simply said, "May the Lord repay him according to his works." Paul typically did not name people, but this guy must have been a real problem. And we have to consider that Paul was warning Timothy to be aware of him, that Alexander was an enemy of the gospel. 
Paul's problems did not stop with Alexander. He mentions that when he defended himself, no one stood with him, but everyone abandoned him. Paul had the grace to ask that it not be charged against them. And these people were not named. So, the man that harmed him was given to the Lord. The people who abandoned him, Paul, asked that they be forgiven. But each situation was painful to Paul. 

But the Lord. Right here is where Paul is able to move through these painful situations. "But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me." This is where we see Paul's courage and the Lord's help. The Lord was with him and strengthened him, and Paul was able to continue to preach the gospel to the Gentiles. It is amazing that instead of licking his wounds and retreating, Paul kept preaching. Then, he states he was delivered from the mouth of the lion. That's awfully close. Not delivered from the lion but delivered from the mouth of the lion. 

Next, Paul expresses the confidence that had been a part of his entire life and ministry. The Lord will deliver me from every evil work. And the Lord will preserve me for His heavenly kingdom. These are bold statements. The Lord will deliver me, and the Lord will preserve me. Paul consistently expressed his confidence in the Lord. Earlier in the first chapter, Paul spoke of not being ashamed of the problems he encountered. Because he knew Who he believed and was convinced that the Lord would keep him. Paul's confidence was not so much in his ability to withstand but in the Lord's ability to help him and keep him. 

The belief that the Lord will stand with us, and the Lord will strengthen us is powerful. We will go through things in this life, but if we are endeavoring to walk with the Lord, our fellowship with Him adds to our confidence. We look at Paul's boldness, and we are inspired. But we must also look at Paul's purpose and focus. He was serving the Lord in what God had called him to do. We do not have the same apostolic calling as Paul, but if we are following the Lord doing what He has asked of us, it boosts our confidence in His involvement in our lives. Then, with a strong sense of assurance, we can say, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Lord, thank You that as I walk with You, You will stand with me. Thank You for strengthening me and delivering me. 