Bible 365 Devotional


PROVERBS 13:13, 14 & 20

PROVERBS 13:13, 14 & 20 NKJ 
13 He who despises the word will be destroyed, 
But he who fears the commandment will be rewarded. 
14 The law of the wise is a fountain of life, 
To turn one away from the snares of death. 
20 He who walks with wise men will be wise, 
But the companion of fools will be destroyed. 


There is such great practical wisdom in the book of Proverbs. These three verses today help us stay out of trouble.   

How is your perspective of God's word? If you have a reverent honorable attitude about God's word, then you will put it into practice in your life. And if you practice God's word, you will be rewarded.   

But if you despise God's word or think very little of it, you will go down. Destroyed is a strong word, and we may want to limit destruction to physical death. But there are many areas of our life that can suffer destruction without us dying. Careers, relationships, opportunities, all areas can be impacted by our spiritual condition. And here is one fact that we know, you can't think lightly of God's word and be strong and robust spiritually.  

God's word is the law of the wise and full of spiritual life. By following His word, you will be able to turn away from the things that can trap you and bring you down. Just think how many lives could have been altered for the better if people had followed God's word. Just His words on forgiveness can bring so much freedom. God's word can add to the mental health people are looking for so desperately.   

And our last verse is God's wisdom regarding relationships. Who you hang out with will have an impact on your life. Hanging with wise people will help you be wiser. Hanging with foolish people will take you down the wrong path. It just does not get much plainer than that.  


In simple terms, develop a love for God's word and put it into practice in your life. Do not act as if His word is optional. It is vital to your spiritual health and quality of life. 

And look for wise people to hang out with. I would include who you watch and listen to. Foolish people are of no help to your life. God has given us some great help in avoiding trouble. 


Dear Father, I value and honor Your word in my life. And please bring wise people across my path. 
