Alan's Devotionals



8 The wise in heart will receive commands, 
But a prating fool will fall. 


This chapter of the Proverbs has a great deal to say about our words.   

We have diminished the value of words with each successive generation. It was not too long ago when we would refer to a man's word being his bond. In other words, a person was only as good as his word.   

But this rather old-fashioned concept of keeping our word is not an American thing. Our words having great value is a strong spiritual principle. And as in other spiritual principles, its application is important and a timeless truth.   

In today's proverb, we start with a wisdom identifier. The wise in heart receives commands. So, the wise receive what God says in His word and by His Holy Spirit.   

But a prating fool will fall appears to be out of place in this proverb. A prating fool is better rendered the foolish of lips. One who is foolish is not wise. And just as an earmark of a wise heart is the willingness to receive God's commands, the marker of a foolish heart is someone who is foolish with their words.  

Jesus would later say that what is in us will come out of us. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. (Matthew 12:34

So, the wise spend time receiving, while the foolish spend time talking foolish things.   

And talking foolish things is not merely annoying. Talking foolishly leads to negatives in our lives. A foolish talker comes to ruin. (Literal Hebrew) 


To get a better grasp of the importance of our words, read the entire chapter of Proverbs 10 and notice how often words are mentioned.   

The way of God's wisdom is that we focus on receiving from Him. And that we monitor the words we speak.   

If our words were of no consequence, then the scriptures would not reference them so frequently.  

So don't speak foolishly by saying something opposite from what God's word reveals. Don't put yourself or others down. Don't speak against what God is doing. Don't give voice to what you fear but give voice to God's wisdom that is in you. God's way of wisdom is the better way.  
