Alan's Devotionals


1 Corinthians 12:25-27 NKJV
25 that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. 26 And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.
27 Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.



A few days ago, my YouTube feed popped up a young man commenting on a pastor who had a moral failure a number of years ago. The moral failure was not as surprising as the commentary. This young man was blasting this pastor not only for coming up short but was disrespectful of this man’s ministry period. This young host was harsh in his judgment of a pastor who had been used of God to do a significant work. I couldn’t help but feel sad, not only for the pastor but for the young host. Unfortunately, this has become the norm of internet commentary. Angry people venting their anger. And sadly enough, the Church is right in the middle of the mess.  


I am not advocating for no accountability in the ministry. The Scriptures tell us that a minister will actually be judged more strictly. What I am advocating for is mercy among the body of Christ. Our verses for today give us another good reason for mercy.  


Jesus does not want schism in His body. Schism means division. He wants His body to have the same care for each other. The revelation that we are a body would help us all. If we can come to a better understanding of verse 26, it will help us dial down the judgment and venom. Because we are a body, when one member suffers, we all suffer. When one member is honored, we rejoice together. If we understand we are a body, we will strive to protect, restore, and heal one another as opposed to attacking, judging, and hurting. I mean, if my left hand kept poking me in the eye or hitting me in the throat, I would seek help. The body does not attack itself. And if there is an attack, it is not normal.  


When a pastor confesses to a sin or leaves the pulpit due to a moral failure, there should be mourning, not gleeful judging or angry condemnation. Paul warned the Galatian church against biting and devouring one another. And Paul gave instructions on the proper perspective of humility regarding the restoration of the brother or sister in Christ caught in a sin. With an understanding that another’s fall does not lift anyone higher, we look to help and repair the body, not do our best to destroy it.  



In doing these devotionals this year, the problem of division keeps being highlighted to me. In a country that is divided along political, racial, economic, and gender lines, the Church needs to set a different example. The secular world has to connect around common causes. These causes, for the most part, carry no eternal value. But we as a church are already connected in Christ. Even with those we do not agree with.  


Chances are extremely strong that I am never going to agree with everyone in the body of Christ. Some viewpoints I adamantly oppose. But I can treat other members of the body of Christ with respect as being part of the same body. It’s not my place to attack the ones for whom Christ died. I would not consider hurting myself physically. And I should have greater respect for Christ’s body.  



Lord, forgive me for being in any way judgmental towards others in Your body. I am a body builder, not a destroyer.
