Alan's Devotionals



4 By humility and the fear of the Lord 

Are riches and honor and life. 



I am amazed that this verse is not on pretty framed pictures and refrigerator magnets. I do not think I have ever seen this verse in a Christian bookstore. Nor have I ever heard anyone quote this verse as one of their favorites. So I don't believe this verse is underrated in its power. I believe it's underrated in our utilization of it. 

How many people, if they are honest, would admit that they are in pursuit of riches, honor, and life? I would not be going out on a limb to say that people are pursuing at least one, if not all three. 

The problem is in the pursuit. In this short but sweet proverb, the Lord is showing us how to obtain riches, honor, and life. However, the Lord's path does not appear to be a direct route. And the Lord's path is more challenging. 

"By humility and the fear of the Lord." Let's start with humility. I have never seen a humility conference. We are not besieged with books on how to grow in humility. As far as biblical topics go, it's not at the top of most people's list of what they want to know more about. And yet humility is so important. 

James said that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. The challenge is that humility has received a bad reputation. We want our children to grow up strong and accomplished. Wanting them to grow up in humility is seen as an inherent Christian weakness that we would rather avoid. 

And yet humility is anything but weak. Humility actually requires strength. It takes strength to not call attention to ourselves. Strength to not insist on our way. Strength to acknowledge our need for God. Strength to recognize we would not even exist if it were not for Him. Strength to acknowledge He is greater and smarter than we are. Strength to pursue His ways and not our own. Genuine godly humility is strong. 

Humility and the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is another powerful position. We are not afraid of His punishment, but rather we have a fear of not pleasing Him. It's by the fear of the Lord that one departs from evil. By the fear of the Lord, we cleanse ourselves and pursue a holy life. The fear of the Lord is where knowledge begins. In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence. 

Now if humility and fear of the Lord don't sound appealing to you, remember what they produce - riches, honor, and life. I am open and welcoming to all three. 

Riches is exactly what it sounds like, material abundance. Honor is to hold in respect and esteem. God wants to honor His people, and He honors those who honor Him. Life is what so many are looking for in experiences, relationships, or possessions. But those are so temporary they are forced to keep looking. Humility and fear of the Lord produce the life we are looking for, just that we are doing it God's way. 

So up on the refrigerator, this verse goes. Or better yet, into our hearts and our actions. We can all walk in humility and fear of the Lord. Then get ready for things to get gooder (my word). 


Lord, teach me to walk in humility and the fear of You in a greater way. 

