Alan's Devotionals


Phil 4:1 
Therefore, my beloved and longed-for brethren, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, beloved. 


The fourth chapter of Philippians is one of my favorite chapters in the New Testament. I knew as I approached this chapter to prepare a devotional that I had a plethora of options I could use as a subject. And yes, I said plethora. This chapter touches on rejoicing in the Lord again. Not worrying about anything but praying about everything. An outstanding list of things we are to think about. What we can do through Christ’s strength. And God’s ability to supply our needs. I love this chapter. But that’s not what stood out to me.  


When you do your own personal devotions, pay attention to verses or phrases that seem to capture your attention. This is what happened to me as I read chapter four. Verse one is a verse that I have not paid much attention to. It sounds like a standard conclusion but as I went over it again the love that Paul had for this church became even more clear.  


Paul calls them beloved and longed for. His joy and crown. This was the group that in the first chapter Paul decided to stay on the earth because it would help them. That may sound a bit strange to us but in the first chapter Paul speaks of having a desire to depart and be with Christ which is far better. But to stay on in the flesh, down here on earth, would be more helpful for this group. Paul is a great example of what love looks like. To go to heaven would be better for him but he does what is better for others. Even though Paul could be blunt in his some of his instructions. Even though he was quick to correct it was all done out of love. Godly love does what is best for the other person.  


Paul also calls these Philippian believers his joy and crown. Paul had a great understanding of what was valuable. He knew that joy was not found in power, passion or position. Joy was found in the Lord and Paul found great joy in these believers who were standing fast in the Lord. He also called these people his crown. This crown was not the crown that a king would wear but rather the crown given to the victor of an athletic endeavor. Paul was calling these believers in Philippi his victory his honor.  


Then Paul reminds them to stand fast in the Lord and repeats the word beloved. To Paul one of the most important things was that those who he loved and reached for Christ would stay with their faith in the Lord. Paul loved these believers and so wanted them to continue to stand strong in the Lord.  



If you have ever been responsible for seeing a friend or loved one come to Christ you know it’s a powerful thing. And you know how protective you feel about them in wanting them to continue with the Lord.  


As a pastor, I can understand God’s love for His people and the joy that comes when they stand fast in their faith. But our love pales in comparison with how God loves us. We are His joy and crown!  



Thank You Father for Your great love for me. Thank You that I can stand firm in my faith! 
