Alan's Devotionals



7 Do not be deceived; God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 


Isn't all of God's word very important? Well, yes, of course. But this principle today is one of the most foundational principles in God's word. It is the principle of sowing and reaping.  

From early on in scripture, we see this truth. In the first chapter of the Bible, Genesis 1:11, we find God creating grass, herbs, and trees, all producing seeds. Those seeds yield or produce according to their kind. 

What we often take for granted is a powerful principle. Everything produces after its kind. Or everything produces exactly like the originating source. Apple trees produce apples. The apples have seeds that produce apple trees. Apple seeds do not produce orange trees. Nor do they produce watermelons or cherries.  

We see this truth apply across the board. Dogs have puppies, not piglets. Tigers don't have poodles. I realize that borders on the ridiculous. But the only reason things are that way is because that's how God created it.   

And here's a great side note. In Genesis 1:26, God said, let Us make man in our likeness.  

We were created after God's kind. We are made in His image. God never said that about any other part of His creation. Just another reason I do not and never will buy into the theory of evolution. 


When we take God at His word, we agree with Him. We are told not to be deceived about this truth. Not believing in sowing and reaping is mocking God. 

We reap what we sow. We sow toxic, destructive words and actions, and we will reap some bad stuff. 

But, if we sow seeds, words, and actions of love and faith and goodness, we will reap good things.  

This is not the law of the universe. This is the law of God. Keep in mind that sowing is immediate but reaping not so much. This is why we are encouraged to not lose heart. To keep sowing good seeds because we will reap if we do not quit and give up.  

So, what seeds will you plant today? 
