Alan's Devotionals


ROMANS 15:1-2

ROMANS 15:1-2 NKJ 
15 We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves. 2 Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification. 


Paul is writing to the church in Rome, and these timeless truths still apply today.   

One of the signs of spiritual strength is revealed in how we treat those who are weak spiritually.   

Paul is saying that a sign of strength is to bear with the weaknesses of the weak. And not just put up with but do it in a kind way. That certainly will require something from us. An easier thing to do would be to override the weak. To dismiss the weak. To become impatient with the weak.  

Then we are instructed not to just patiently indulge the weak but to bless the weak. To build up the weak and help them spiritually.    

It takes strength to treat people well. Strength of character. Strength of spirit.   

One of the signs of strength I was taught to look for is how someone in a position of strength treated someone in a weaker position. A good example would be how someone treats a server at a restaurant. The server is in a weaker position. It does not mean they are a weak person, just that their status as compared to a customer is that of a servant.   

I have seen people treat the serving staff badly. I was interviewing a candidate for a pastoral position, and he was demanding and dismissive to the server. I did not hire him, thank God. In the context of our scripture today, he was not a strong person. Someone strong would have acted with more kindness.   

Strength is not dominating and running over those who are weaker. Real spiritual strength will be a blessing.   


This is a stout verse. But we can see its application in the life of Jesus.   

He is the strongest of the strong, yet He did not live to please Himself. He was good to the weak, and He is our example.   

The truth is that all of us are weak in areas. Or all of us have been spiritually weak at points in our lives. The Lord, the Strong One, is still good to us and not disgusted with us. We follow His example. We can look for ways to bless and build up others. Not simply live to please ourselves.   


Lord, thank You that even though You are the essence of strength, You laid down Your life for weak humanity. Help me live more like You.
