Alan's Devotionals



9 If a wise man contends with a foolish man, 
Whether the fool rages or laughs, there is no peace. 

It's common knowledge I am not on any social media platform. I see way too many downsides and not enough positives.   

Now, please understand I am not against social media. It just does not particularly work for me. I tried Twitter for a few months. Did not like it. I got too caught up with who, if any, was liking my brilliant tweets. Evidently, they were not all that brilliant because when I got off Twitter none of my 14 followers complained. Insert smile here. 

Social media has been a blessing to the church. Our media department has done a great job using social media to connect and communicate with helpful content. So that makes me a social media proponent.   

What has been surprising is the trolls. The people who make scathing comments and unwarranted critiques. And many times, these are over the most trivial issues.   

As I was visiting with the media team on how to engage the trolls, the Holy Spirit brought this verse to my mind.   

We would try to laugh with the trolls or at least start a dialogue, but it was not working. No matter what we did there was no peace.   

So, we changed our approach. If someone has a humble spirit and a legitimate question or concern, we will keep the conversation going. But the trollish mean-spirited stuff we ignore.   

There is a big difference between someone who wants to learn. And someone who wants to hurt. A wise person does not spend time trying to appease a troll. 

But we don't have to ignore them completely. We can pray for them. And that's the best response ever.   

So don't troll us, or you'll wind up on the prayer list. With nothing but love for you! 
