Alan's Devotionals


JOHN 8:31-32

JOHN 8:31-32 NKJ 
31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 

It is not as if Jesus never had to deal with conflict. We imagine that everywhere He went, people just automatically agreed with Him and followed Him. But that is not accurate. Jesus was constantly being challenged by the Jewish rulers and religious leaders.   

In chapter eight, Jesus is being confronted by the Pharisees, who were a particularly legalistic bunch. And in the middle of this contentious discourse, Jesus speaks to those who believed in Him.   

Jesus defines who is one of His disciples. The word disciple is not a word that is typically used in today's vernacular. Disciple means a learner, a pupil. But the word carries a stronger meaning than just learner. In the New Testament, a disciple is an adherent who accepts the instructions given to him and makes it his rule of conduct. I'm not a Greek or Hebrew scholar, so this definition comes from the Complete Word Study Bible. I am grateful for these word study aids, and you can download them directly to your computer or mobile device. They are a great study tool.   

Now back to our regularly scheduled devotional. 

Jesus said those who listen to His word and keep it, they do it, are His disciples. Obviously, this is an easier 'said' than done proposition, but it is very possible. We can hear His words and put them into practice. The result is that we become His disciples, and we know the truth and the truth makes us free.  


I have noticed we do not hear much today, nor do we talk about being a disciple of the Lord. And yet this is such a critical position to adopt.   

With all the internet gurus and voices available, we have many options as to who to follow. I want to follow the One who exceeds them all. The One who is truth and whose words can produce freedom in our lives. Freedom from fear, sin, darkness, and negativity. Freedom from the curse that plagues fallen men. Freedom that produces life and abundant life at that. I choose to identify as a disciple of the Lord Jesus.   


Thank you, Lord, You are the only One worthy of being followed without question. I am your disciple. 
