Bible 365 Devotional


Proverbs 10:9 NKJV 

9 He who walks with integrity walks securely, 

But he who perverts his ways will become known. 


 There is much speculation on confidence. If you do a YouTube search you will discover there is a vast number of opinions. From philosophers to YouTube bros, everyone has a surefire way to become more confident. Act this way. Stop trying so hard. Just trust in yourself. The 60-second way to more self-confidence. So, who do we believe?   

I am sure there are small nuggets of truth somewhere in this sea of opinions, but the wisdom of Proverbs offers another approach. "He who walks with integrity walks securely." The person who walks with completeness or a clear conscience. Other meanings for the word integrity are blameless, full measure, innocent, and upright. A dictionary defines integrity as undivided or unbroken completeness and moral soundness.   

As we look at integrity from a spiritual standpoint, this is someone who walks before God with a focus and undivided heart. Basically, we are referring to the person who not only talks the talk but walks the walk. There is no division between what they say they believe and how they act. We are not saying someone is perfect, but they are trying to do right by God and right toward man.   

The result of this congruent heart and walk is security or calm assurance. And one thing all the YouTube experts will agree on - confidence is calm assurance.   

In this same verse, we see the contrast of the person who perverts his way. When we think of a pervert, we typically think of sexual weirdness. The word in the Proverbs means crooked or twisted and can involve all kinds of behavior. This is the person not walking in the light of what they know. Their path is crooked, while God's paths are straight. This crooked way stems from the heart that is not in the right place. And this individual will be found out. In other words, they will be discovered.   

This is how someone can appear to be above board, but then later, something shows up. And that crooked path cannot be a confident place. When we are on the right track with the Lord, our heart does not condemn us according to 1 John 3:21. But when our ways get off, when we are guilty of violating what we know to be right, our confidence with God goes out the window.   

So here is a biblical key to confidence. Having a whole heart for God that is revealed in the way we live gives us confidence with God. And confidence with God spills over into every part of our life.   

Just think how many YouTube clips you now don't have to watch to gain confidence. But remember this, it is a lifelong process, not a 60-second fix.   



Lord, help me and show me how to better walk before You and others with integrity. 
