Alan's Devotionals


Proverbs 24:5-6 NKJV 

5 A wise man is strong, 

Yes, a man of knowledge increases strength; 

6 For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, 

And in a multitude of counselors there is safety. 


Let's play a word association game. I say a word, and you say the first thing that comes to your mind. 

So I say, Christmas. What comes to your mind first? Okay, that may have been a bit unfair, seeing most people have so many thoughts associated with Christmas. But you may have said family, gifts, wonderful season. I am sure everyone immediately thought - the birth of our Savior, but that's a given. Right? 

What about when I say the word strong? What comes to mind? Big muscles, something powerful? But who thought of wisdom? And yet the Scripture says that a wise man is strong, and a man of knowledge increases strength. I do remember a phrase from a few years back that said knowledge is power, but that's the closest thing I can think of equating wisdom and strength. 

Verse six gives a bit of insight into why wisdom and strength are connected. By wise counsel, we wage our own war. I can't say I have ever even used that wording in a sermon. I know we are to fight the good fight of faith, but wage our own war? 

But if we look at some of the metaphors associated with the life of a believer, the idea of warfare is certainly there. Paul told Timothy that by the prophetic words spoken over his life, he would wage a good warfare. Paul also referred to some of his associates as fellow soldiers. We talk of going through a battle when dealing with negative situations. So, since we are in a fight, we might as well win, and wisdom is helpful to generate a winning strategy. 

Verse six contains a phrase I have heard used more often. In the multitude of counselors, there is safety. We should read into that - in a multitude of good, wise counselors, there is safety. Wise counsel is good for strategy and good for safety. A note on wise counselors. As we grow in the Lord, it's good to have godly people who can affirm what we sense the Lord saying to us. People who love us and want the best for us can be great sources of counsel. But I encourage you to look to the Lord and His Word first. We go to Him first for counsel, then talk with those who also listen to Him. Most likely, if we are hearing accurately, it will register on the hearts of fellow believers.

God's Word and God's Holy Spirit are the best source of counsel and wisdom, and strength. 
