Bible 365 Devotional


Psalm 67:1-2 NKJV 
1 God be merciful to us and bless us, 
And cause His face to shine upon us, Selah 
2 That Your way may be known on earth, 
Your salvation among all nations. 



I am all for God’s blessings. The blessings of the Lord do not come with any hidden problems or side effects. God’s blessings on His children are a wonderful benefit from a loving Father. But there is a greater purpose behind the blessings.   


God be merciful to us and bless us. The author of this psalm was not shy about asking for the blessings of God. Blessing means to grant happiness, health, or prosperity to, to endow with a talent, beauty, etc. When we think of God’s blessings, we think of nothing but good, and evidently, the psalmist thought the same thing. He was asking for God’s blessing and for God to cause His face to shine upon them. God’s face shining upon someone is a sign of God’s favor. God’s favor causes people to like and be drawn to you. They may not even know why they like you. It’s a God thing. And God’s favor is going to show up in a person’s life; it’s visible.   


One of the best examples of God’s mercy is found in Genesis. The story of Joseph is a story of blessings and favor. Even though Joseph was sold as a slave, God’s blessings and favor caused Joseph to prosper wherever he went. Joseph thrived in the house of Potiphar, an Egyptian officer. Joseph wound up running the entire household, and God’s blessings on Joseph wound up blessing Potiphar. Joseph was not in an ideal environment, but God’s favor and blessings caused him to stand out in a good way. Because of God’s presence on Joseph, he would rise to the top even though a slave, and even though he was unjustly put in prison. But God was with him, and Joseph thrived and ended up running the entire prison. Because of God endowing Joseph with talents and abilities, he eventually became the number two leader of the entire nation of Egypt. When God blesses, it becomes evident.   


And that is the bigger purpose for blessings. God’s favor and blessings on Joseph were instrumental in Joseph’s rise to prominence. They paved the way for God to save the lives of multitudes of people. Verse two of our psalm today says that when God is merciful and blesses and gives His favor, there is a bigger purpose in mind. Not just so the individual is blessed, but so the blessings and favor are a testimony to people and show a path to God, which is the way of salvation. So, as the psalmist prays, God be merciful to us and bless and shine His face on us; it’s for a reason. So, God’s ways may be seen, and His salvation becomes more tangible.   



After coming back to the Lord in my early 20s, I connected with a group that believed that God would bless His people. And I so appreciate how this teaching has helped my life. I have seen God’s favor open doors and pave the way for some wonderful things in my life. But it’s not just for me to enjoy. God’s favor and blessings are to point the way to Him. Ultimately, this is where we want people to wind up. Being awed at God is better than being awed at man. But God will use man to reveal Himself to others.   


So, when you ask for blessings and favor, ask with the bigger motive of seeing God exalted in your life so that you become a better witness for Him.   



Lord, thank You for Your merciful blessing and favor on my life. I ask you to increase them so that I may be a witness of Your goodness and grace to those who do not know You.    
