Total Forgiveness

About This Group

Forgiving is not easy, but this book will give you a game plan and the encouragement to cast out areas of unforgiveness that have kept you from enjoying the best God has to offer you. Learn what forgiveness is and what it is not. Uncover physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences of unforgiveness and see why God adamantly encourages you to forgive others.

When & Where

Ages 18+
Tuesdays at 6:00 PM
9/24/2024 thru 11/19/2024
Ghia Thompson

Group Book

Total Forgiveness

R.T. Kendall

Forgiving is not easy, but this book will give you a game plan and the encouragement to cast out areas of unforgiveness that have kept you from enjoying the best God has to offer you. Learn what forgiveness is and what it is not. Uncover physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences of unforgiveness and see why God adamantly encourages you to forgive others. Revised and updated with new testimonies of changed lives.