Bible 365 Devotional


Proverbs 27:7 NKJV 
7 A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb, 
But to a hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.   


There is a well-known truth that going to the grocery store when you are hungry is a sure way to spend more than you intended. Joy stopped sending me to grocery shop years ago. I would walk into the store and always find something that looked good but was not on her list. I believe online grocery shopping has saved our family money.   


The principle of hunger rules applies to more than the grocery store. There are different aspects of hunger. Someone who is hungry for a relationship and has the desire to be loved can put themselves in a position to compromise their values and beliefs just to satisfy that need. Trust me on this one; I have seen it too many times. This is why I think everyone needs a love committee—an objective person or persons who can advise in relationships. Love can be blind, and hunger helps cloud vision.  


Hunger can be a driving force. Someone hungry for success or to “be somebody” can be highly motivated. Hungry for money can be a problem. Paul said the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Money in itself is not evil. It’s neutral. I heard a football coach lament about players becoming Christians because it took away their drive. And that’s not a stretch. Coming to Christ satisfies a longing in the heart of every man and woman.  


I believe there is a principle here that we can apply to our relationship with God and His word. Being hungry for more of God in our lives is a great hunger to cultivate. Being hungry for His word, which is food to our spirit, is a wonderful thing to have. So then, why do we often struggle in this area? Why are we not more hungry for spiritual things? I have an idea, and it’s my personal opinion that you are certainly welcome to disagree with, but please hear me out.   


When I was a young boy, my mother was a stickler for good nutrition. She studied the subject in nursing school and brought healthy eating to our family. Well, semi-healthy. Fried chicken and fried foods were staple items in the South. But my mom would not let us snack or eat junk food and candy before dinner. Her words, “It will spoil your appetite.” And she was correct. Squash and green peas were more readily consumed when hungry, although I still draw the line at raw onions and stewed spinach. But I digress. Junk food before dinner was a no-go.   


Today, we know even more about nutrition, but what about what we feed our souls? If we consume a lot of junk food spiritually, it hinders our hunger for God’s word. And much of what is available on the internet is spiritual junk food or food with no real spiritual value. Don’t get me wrong, I am not advocating a blackout from all internet or streaming material. But I do know that much of the content will fill you, but it won’t help you. I enjoy watching sports, and hours of football may fill me but does not help me. And this is only dealing with neutral content. I hope I don’t even have to mention the negative and perverse material that is available. I am convinced the internet has helped us and also hurt us. It’s too easy to consume that which is junk or even harmful, and it hinders our hunger for God’s word.  


So, if you are having problems getting motivated to read God’s word or spend some time developing a devotional life take a break from the content that fills but does not help. Eating healthy is even more important spiritually than physically.   


Stay hungry, my friends.   



Lord, show me what fills me but does not help me. I am hungry for more of You and Your word in my life.
