Bible 365 Devotional


Matthew 24:35 NKJV 
35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. 



This is not a happy happy, joy joy chapter. This chapter 24 is Jesus talking about end times. And the end of the age will not be pretty.   


With my limited knowledge of the end times, there are a couple of things I know. Deception will be rampant, with false prophets and false Christs coming on the scene. There will be turmoil in the nations with wars and rumors of wars. There will be problems in the earth's natural forces, such as famines, diseases, and earthquakes. There will be tribulation, and it will be severe.   


How do we know all this? Because Jesus said it. And He said heaven and earth will pass away, but His words are eternal. The big question that believers ask is will we be here for all this trouble? Alan's opinion is no. I believe that just as God spared Noah and his family, God will spare us from the severe troubles coming on the earth. Just as God got Lot and his family out of Sodom and Gomorrah before the destruction came, I believe He will deliver His people before the worst of the tribulation takes place.   


I also believe that verses 36-44 discuss the rapture of the church. When life is pretty normal, and people are carrying on with regular activities, and Jesus comes to take His own. Verses 40-41 speak of people doing regular work as one is taken and the other left. Again, I believe this is talking about the rapture of the church, the catching away. But again, this is my personal belief. And what if I am wrong?   


If I am wrong and the church goes through this horrible tribulation, I am going to stay with the One whose words come to pass. Things may get traumatic, but His promise to be with me and help me has not changed. I do know that difficult times are coming on the earth. The scriptures say that in the last days, times of pressure will come. But I believe He can keep me and protect me as one of His own children, so end time events are not as troublesome.   


But what if I die in the great tribulation? Then things get nothing but better. Paul said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Paul also said to depart and be with Christ is far better.   


Jesus said Heaven and earth, as we know them, will pass away, but His words will not pass away. And just as His words regarding the end times are true, so are His words regarding His ability to keep and protect me and then one day receive me to the place where there is no crying, sighing, or death. When it's all said and done I am with Him and that's a win-win proposition.   



I am not as involved in the end times because I know I cannot change what is coming on the earth. What I can do is reach as many people as I can for Christ so that their eternal destiny with Him is secure. If tribulation comes, I may be with Him sooner than I expected. If the rapture precedes the tribulation, and I miss the whole thing, that's even better. But whether I tribulate or levitate, I am with Jesus. And that's a win-win proposition.   


Lord, prepare me for what is coming on the earth. I do know this is the best time to draw close to You. 
